The city of Bjelovar received funds from the EEA and Norwegian grants from the “Energy and Climate Change” program.

The EEA and Norway grants are financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, and have two goals – to contribute to a more equal Europe, socially and economically – and to strengthen relations between Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and the 15 beneficiary countries in Europe. The city of Bjelovar applied for the project “Increasing the capacity for the production of geothermal energy – Infrastructural works on the Korenovo GT-1 well” and obtained grants for its implementation. The city is a beneficiary of the project with partners EFLA Consulting Engineers from Iceland and Terme Bjelovar. The total value of the project is 3.478.076,98 €, of which 1.300.000,00 € are grants. The project will be implemented from May 24, 2022 to April 30, 2024.

The aim of the project is to increase the production of energy from renewable sources, reduce CO2 emissions and increase security of supply through the execution of infrastructure works at the Korenovo GT-1 well with the aim of exploiting geothermal energy. According to the indicators so far, the indicated geothermal reservoir is classified as a medium temperature reservoir with a temperature of approx. 70 C.

After the documentation has been prepared, the construction of the well will be started with an installed capacity for the production of geothermal energy of 3 MW. The geothermal energy obtained from the Korenovo GT – 1 well will be used for heating purposes to supply the planned sports and recreation complex in Veliko Korenovo with thermal energy, then the future Korenovo Business Zone and the future planned greenhouse agricultural production in the area of Veliko Korenovo.

The end users are users of the services of the swimming pool complex, entrepreneurs in the Korenovo Business Zone, farmers who will use geothermal energy for production, all residents of the local area where the project is implemented due to the increase in air quality due to the reduction of CO2 emissions and the economic development of the area and the entire community. This project will increase the use of renewable energy sources in the area of the City of Bjelovar, improve air quality, encourage the economic development of the area, brand the areas of the City in the area of geothermal energy exploitation, and provide examples of good practice to other local self-government units with geothermal potential.

You can find more about the grants on the following websites:
EEA Grants | Energy and Climate Change
EEA and Norway Grants

The project “Increasing the capacity for the production of geothermal energy – Infrastructure works on the Korenovo GT-1 borehole” benefits from a € 1,3 million grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants with national co-financing from the Republic of Croatia within the “Energy and Climate Change” Programme. The aim of the project is to increase energy production from renewable sources, reduce CO2 emissions and increase security of supply.

This website was created with the financial support of EEA Grants and the national co-financing from the Republic of Croatia within the “Energy and Climate Change” Programme. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of the City of Bjelovar as Project Promoter and Terme Bjelovar d.o.o. and EFLA Consulting Engineers as Project Partners and in no way can be considered to reflect the views of the Programme Operator of the „Energy and Climate Change“ Programme.

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