The city of Bjelovar received funds from the EEA and Norwegian grants from the “Energy and Climate Change” program.
The EEA financial mechanism and the Norwegian financial mechanism contribute to the reduction of social and economic differences within Europe and strengthen bilateral cooperation between the donor countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) and the Republic of Croatia. The city of Bjelovar submitted a project for the use of geothermal energy in the area of Veliki Korenovo – Korenovo GT-1, and obtained grants for the preparation of technical documentation. The city is a beneficiary of the project with partners EFLA Consulting Engineers from Iceland and Terme Bjelovar. The total value of the project is €309.320,04, of which €258.251,29 are grants. The project will be implemented from May 24, 2022 to April 30, 2024.
Today, October 4, 2022, an initial conference was held at which the Mayor of the City of Bjelovar, Dario Hrebak, pointed out that this project will have a great impact, not only on Bjelovar, but also on the way we use geothermal energy in Croatia and its potential. “This project will attract many investments to Bjelovar, make it competitive and create new jobs. I believe in the geothermal potential of northern Croatia. All indicators show that they are exceptional, but we don’t have the knowledge for quick implementation. That is why we have partners from Iceland who will transfer knowledge and good practices to us. Bjelovar is the only city that has received funds for the creation of documentation and infrastructure works for the creation of a drillhole in order to implement this project.”
Hafsteinn Helgason, EFLA Consulting Engineers pointed out that once we start using geothermal energy, we will feel the difference because it will be ours. “You will be independent and this is an opportunity for a new era in Croatia. With a long tradition of oil and gas and experience in drillholes, you have the potential for the quality implementation of this project, but also the potential for the development of the production of pipes and magnesium.”
“With a preparatory hole at 505 meters, we proved that there are geothermal energy potentials, where it turned out that there are springs at 30 degrees with a flow of 8 liters of water per second. The next should be at 1,500 meters with potentials between 60 and 70 degrees with a flow of between 25 and 27 liters of water per second. The benefits we will receive are incalculable and a big step towards energy independence”, said Zvonimir Žarec, director of Terme Bjelovar.
The representative of the Ministry of Regional Development and European Union Funds, Lovre Karamarko, pointed out that this project has potential, cooperation and perspective. “This program provided the opportunity to realize this project. The joint cooperation of all stakeholders is extremely high-quality, professional and technical, and bilateral is of great importance in order to gain knowledge and experience. I am sure that high results await us.”
For more than 15 years, the Energy Institute “Hrvoje Požar” has been providing support to local communities in identifying the potential of geothermal energy and preparing future projects to use it. “In the light of new energy policies, this sector needs to be greened. Geothermal energy offers enormous opportunities here, as well as opportunities for the accompanying development of the entire economy”, emphasized Phd. Sanja Živković.
“We are ready to provide adequate resources and provide support and partnership. In this way, we are sure that the given money will be well spent. This project, which will expand further, is the first step in joint cooperation”, said Haakon Blankenborg, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Norway to the Republic of Croatia.
After the documentation has been created, the construction of the well will be started with the installed capacity for the production of geothermal energy. The goal of the project is to increase energy production from renewable sources, reduce CO2 emissions and increase security of supply. The purpose of the project is the production of energy with lower carbon emissions and increased security of supply through the preparation of technical documentation that is necessary to reach the stage of well construction and exploitation/production of geothermal energy.
You can find more about the grants on the
EEA Grants | Energy and Climate Change
EEA and Norway Grants
The project “Development of technical documentation for the use of geothermal energy in the area of Veliko Korenovo – Korenovo GT-1” benefits from a € 258,2 thousand grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants with national co-financing from the Republic of Croatia within the “Energy and Climate Change” Programme. The aim of the project is to increase energy production from renewable sources, reduce CO2 emissions and increase security of supply.
This website was created with the financial support of EEA Grants and the national co-financing from the Republic of Croatia within the “Energy and Climate Change” Programme. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of the City of Bjelovar as Project Promoter and Terme Bjelovar d.o.o. and EFLA Consulting Engineers as Project Partners and in no way can be considered to reflect the views of the Programme Operator of the „Energy and Climate Change“ Programme.